Crystal Springs Preserve…Can you find your way? Orienteering lessons and how to use a compass. They used a GPS to input coordinates and then locate caches around the spring.
Found it!
Lil Bro leading the way now Letter Ii lesson this week
Just another school day Love me some messy projects, mom!
An iceberg picture
Here’s Ala while I tutor in the office Our usual heart shaped pizza and cookie brownie
Check out my new sheets!
Our first day back at co-op this semester. Lil Bro in his new art class…making a color wheel
Big Bro is taking a public speaking class Lil Bro in his yoga class…ohmmm
His teacher asked him to close his eyes but look how he squinted when he was supposed to relax. The next photo is a science experiment we did testing the need we have to use all of our senses together. Can you tell what flavor ice cream without your ability to see or smell?
Now enjoying the rest of the ice cream!
Reading time Shaving fun…love that he covered his whole face!
A man in training…how’d I do?
Looking sharp!
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